1、Rules Aim of the game For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to disguise their identity.The Villagers Each night one of them...
Werewolf狼人杀英文版游戏规则Rules Aim of the game • For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. • For the werewolves: To kill the villagers. The Cards : The Werewolves Each night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in order to disguise their identity....
1.法官Moderator 负责主持游戏不参与任何一个阵营。 2.狼人Werewolves 每晚杀一个村民,白天混迹于村民之中。 3.村民Villagers 唯一功能是白天投票选出狼人。 4.预言家Seer 每晚可以查一名村民是否为狼人。 5.女巫Witch 有两瓶药水(potion), 一瓶可以救被杀的人,一瓶可以毒死任何人。 6.猎人Hunter 如果被狼人杀...
2.狼人Werewolves 每晚杀一个村民,白天混迹于村民之中。 3.村民Villagers 唯一功能是白天投票选出狼人。 4.预言家Seer 每晚可以查一名村民是否为狼人。 5.女巫Witch 有两瓶药水(potion), 一瓶可以救被杀的人,一瓶可以毒死任何人。 6.猎人Hunter 如果被狼人杀死或被投票放逐都...
1、一夜终极狼人杀 One night ultimate werewolf 2、标准局狼人游戏 The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow(standard) 👇👇👇 一夜终极狼人杀 one night ultimate werewolf · 基本规则: One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a fast game for 3-10 players in which everyone gets a role: One of the dastardly ...
During the day, the Villagers that have survived the night must discuss amongst each other and decide who they believe is the werewolf out of the remaining players. This player will be killed – hopefully it will be the werewolf! •Simple Villager •...
来试试英文版狼人杀! 陪伴我们二十周的推理悬疑日剧《轮到你了》终于大结局啦,最后的结局真的出人意料! 《轮到你了》讲述了在一座位于东京的公寓中发生的“交换杀人游戏”,剧中谜题接连不断,播出期间,网友们也凭借着剧情和剧中的蛛丝马迹,纷纷推理起好...
Werewolf(狼人杀英文版游戏规则) 下载积分:680 内容提示: Ru les Aim of the game • For the villagers: to kill the werewolves. • For the werewolves: To kill the villagers. The Cards : The Werewolves Each night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in ...
天黑请闭眼,欢迎来到英文版“狼人杀”#英语#狼人杀 - 开心学英语➿于20201024发布在抖音,已经收获了2.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Werewolf狼人杀英文版游戏规则-HYPERLINK/%7Eobjectif/loups-garous/base/htm/reglesv3.htmlRulesAimofthegameForthevillagers:tokillthewerewolves.Forthewerewolves:Tokillthevillagers.TheCards:TheWerewolvesEachnighttheyeatavillager.Duringthedaytheyappearasanormalvillagerin 2、ordertodisguisetheiridentity.TheVillagers...