n. 1.tap water 自来水 1. Tap water 2. city water 3. running water 4. mains water 相关词条 从自来水 1. from tap water 与自来水 1. with a running water 2. with tap water 自来水的 1. of tap water 2. of the tap water in 百科...
翻译结果:自来水的英文翻译为“tap water”。 应用场景:“tap water”这个词组在日常生活中非常常见,通常用于描述直接从水龙头流出的水,也就是我们通常所说的自来水。在讨论饮用水、水资源或环保话题时,这个词组经常被使用。 造句例句: 中文:我喜欢喝自来水,因为它很方便。英文:I like to dri...
“自来水”的英语表达是:Running water或者Tap water. 例句: There are hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms. 所有的卧室里都有冷热自来水。 “热水”英文怎么水? 我们不管是在生病或者不舒服的时候, 长辈给与我们最多的安慰一定是: “多喝热水”, 估计大多数...
除了这些短语,我们再一起看看常见单词: 自来水 running water/tap water 矿泉水 mineral water 纯净水 purified water 蒸馏水 distilled water 苏打水 soda water 去离子水 deionized water 今天的分享就到这里了,喜欢的朋友记得给大白点个赞哦!不喜欢的朋友也没关系,每个人都有判断和需要的权利,但是大白还是会坚持...
running water自来水;流水 【解释】 Tap water is the water that comes out of a faucet in a building such as a house or a hotel. 【例句】 I don't think the tap water here is drinkable. We'd better boil it. 我觉得这儿的自来水不能直接喝哦。我们最好煮一下。
"自来水"英文怎么说呢? Jonathan陪你学英语音频:00:0002:25 BGM: Photograph by Ed Sheeran tap water 自来水 经处理厂净化、消毒 符合相应标准的可用水。 Thetap waterin many European countries is safe to drink. 欧洲很多国家的自来水可以直接喝。
a将数据检验 Data examination[translate] a大写文字 Capital letter writing[translate] a你知道你有多么重要吗 You knew you have how importantly[translate] aCharis Charis[translate] a自来水 Running water[translate]
自来水 / zi lai shui / zi lai shui 1.tap-water; running water; piped water; water from the main 汉语词典 自来水[zi lai shui] 1.由给水系统把取自水源的水经过净化﹑消毒后﹐通过管道供应给居民﹑工业生产等方面的用水。 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运...
She and I are together play since childhood to in a big way! She is long Ting Ting to be handsome very, for the human the very temperate feeling, she calls the dragon to be new! [translate] aBenefits of Mushrooms 蘑菇的好处[translate] a自来水 Running water[translate]...