以下是8条关于服装生产流程环节和内容的描述: 1.设计这一环可太重要啦!就好比盖房子得先有个漂亮的图纸,服装也是一样呀。想想看,没有好的设计,怎么做出来让人眼前一亮的衣服呢?比如说,最近超流行的那种复古风格的连衣裙,不就是设计师们绞尽脑汁想出来的嘛! 2.选料呢,那就是给服装打基础呀!要是选了差劲的...
服装生产流程的环节和内容英文介绍 The clothing production process includes various steps and activities to transform raw materials into finished garments. Here is an overview of the key stages and content involved in the clothing production process: 1. Design and Planning: - Developing design concepts...
服装生产流程的环节和内容合集 服装生产各岗位职责和流程 生产经理工作职责 1. 依据公司的宏观整体发展规划,组织落实好部门的构架,员工选拔以及工作分配,工作职能的划分;日常工作的 实施、督导,确保本部门的工作正常有序的进行。 2. 按公司市场销售需求制定好<整体生产计划>,并按要求出货期做好〈物料排期表〉交采购...
The Process and Content of Clothing Production The process of clothing production can be broken down into several key stages, each with its own tasks and responsibilities. These stages typically include design, pattern making, fabric selection, cutting, sewing, and finishing. The first stage of ...