旗语 / qi yu / qi yu 1.flagsignal; semaphore; a flag signal 相关词语 旗语通信手册 a code of signals; a signal book 汉语词典 旗语[qi yu] 1.在航海﹑军事或某些远距离作业中﹐为表示所欲传达的言语或信号而统一规定的一套挥动旗子的动作。
沪江词库精选旗语英文怎么写及英语单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 flag signal 相似短语 drop the flag 落旗,发出比赛开始的信号 signal flag n.信号旗,手旗 hoist the flag 升旗 clear flag 清除标志 closing flag 关闭标记 flag chest 旗箱 flag data 标志数据 flag float 信号浮标 flag ...
2) flag signal 旗语信号 例句>> 3) to use semaphore; to semaphore 打旗语 例句>> 4) Shuluun Huh vatois 正蓝旗土语 1. There are 10 short vowels in Shuluun Huh vatois of modern Mongolian,which are divided into two groups-high and low,corresponding to the terms of yin and yang ...
海军旗语(单个字母):a = 潜水员工作中,保持距离 b = 危险货物 c = 是 d = 保持距离 e = 调整航线至右舷 f = 伤残 g = 需要领航员 h = 领航员在船上 i = 调整航线至左舷 j = 火灾,保持距离 k = 期望对话 l = 你必须立即停止 m = 我已经停止(另外可表示:船上有医生)n = ...
旗语flag signal访问沪江小D查看旗语的更多详细解释> 我要提问参考例句 The sentry flagged the motorcycle down 哨兵打旗语示意摩托车停下来。 To convey(a message or signal)by waving an upraised arm,a flag,or a light. 打旗语发信号,用灯光发信号通过摇摆举起的手臂、旗子或灯来传达(信息或记号) ...
F1赛车旗语介绍——全英文 2. Yellow Flag - This flag indicates caution on the track. It is displayed when there is a hazard or incident ahead that drivers need to be aware of. Drivers must reduce their speed, not overtake, and be prepared to encounter hazards. 3. Double Yellow Flags - ...
2007-05-14 在打旗语(semaphore)时 遇到连着的相同字母怎么办 ... 2011-10-15 英文26个字母,用旗语要怎么表示 2014-08-23 海军26个字母旗表示什么意思 2 2009-02-22 手旗旗语打法 250 2013-06-10 陆军旗语全集,重赏征集 17 2007-11-04 谁有26个字母手旗部位图!图解上传给我万分感谢! 2016-06-...
文档标签: 一级方程式赛车英语介绍 FormulaOneBasicinformation•TheFIAFormulaOneWorldChampionship•ThefirstworldchampionshipracewasheldatSilverstone,UnitedKingdomin1950.•TheF1seasonconsistsofaseriesofraces,knownasGrandPrix•Practice,qualifying&raceFlags•Usedtohelpdriverstoidentifythemessages•Tendifferentflags...
F1赛车旗语介绍——全英文 FormulaOne Basicinformation •TheFIAFormulaOneWorldChampionship•ThefirstworldchampionshipracewasheldatSilverstone,UnitedKingdomin1950.•TheF1seasonconsistsofaseriesofraces,knownasGrandPrix•Practice,qualifying&race Flags •Usedtohelpdriverstoidentifythemessages•Tendifferentflags...