英文收货合同范本英文收货合同范本 Receiving Contract This Receiving Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between [Seller's Name] (the "Seller") and [Buyer's Name] (the "Buyer"). 1. Goods and Services The Seller agrees to deliver to the Buyer the ...
英文收货合同范本 Purchase and Receipt Contract This Purchase and Receipt Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between: Buyer: Name: [Buyer's Name] Address: [Buyer's Address] Contact Person: [Buyer's Contact Person] Telephone Number: [...
收到明显在良好的秩序和条件除外,否则指出总数的容器或其他软件包或单位下面列出运输从收货地点交货条款,本协议。签署提单之一必须交出妥为通过换取货物或交货单。关于本文档的演示文稿 (正式) Endorsed 向承运人或持有人的权利与符合条件的负债,本合同的名义须 (在不损害任何规则的普通法或呈现他们对商人具有约束力的...
aLAN CARD USD 20 LAN卡片 USD 20[translate] a乙方(非上海地区)交货后二十四小时内分别发传真通知甲方和甲方收货单位。传真内容:交货设备所属的合同号、设备编号及名称、箱件数、总重量、运单号或航次、车皮号或船号。 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]
恩,合同签订一周内你们将收到20%的预付款。我们在确认收货的一周内付清剩下的80%!5个回答 Well, the contract within a week you will receive a 20% advance payment. We confirm receipt of the week in the remaining 80% paid off!2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名...
a由甲方自提的设备,乙方在备妥待运前十天用函件将交货设备所属的合同号、设备编号、名称、箱件数、箱件外形尺寸、总重量以及起提日期分别通知甲方和甲方收货单位。 The equipment picks up by oneself which by the party of the first part, the second party will be preparing ready awaits shipment previous ...
把下面一段文字翻译成英文1、甲方逾期交货的,每逾期一日应承担相当于该笔货款千分之 每日的违约金,违约金不足以弥补乙方损失的,甲方还应补足,甲方损失包括但不限于乙方客户降价、无法收汇、客户绝收货物等.以上费用乙方有权在货款中直接扣除.甲方逾期交货达 日以上的,乙方有权立即单方解除...
a1、负责设备、耗材类的议价并与供应商签订采购合同; 2、与使用单位、关务核对并与供应商确认交期; 3、提供报关材料,追踪关务报关进度,完成设备进口; 4、追踪采购物品的收货、验收,并完成付款作业; 5、其他采购工作,新供应商的导入、耗材类季度cost down以及定期的采购报表、采购分析等。 1st, the responsible eq...
a凡因违章作业、误操作、分析差错、容器管线不洁、产品混串、原材料不合格及管理不善等原因,造成半成品(中间产品)、成品不符合质量标准或合同协议的质量要求,发生返工、产生次品和废品、降级降价,以及收货单位因产品质量问题发生退货或赔偿的,均属质量事故。 Because every violates regulations the work, the misoperati...
英文收货合同范本 Receipt Contract This Receipt Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] and between: Seller: Name: [Seller's Name] Address: [Seller's Address] Contact Person: [Seller's Contact Person] Telephone Number: [Seller's Telephone Number] E Address: [...