auctioneer, auction是“拍卖人"到 英文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:聊天功能只供逆向拍卖人和个别供应商之间的交流使用,而不得用于供应商之间的交流。 ↔ The chat is open only for the interaction between the reverse auctioneer and the individual suppliers, not the suppliers among themselves. 拍卖人 + ...
沪江词库精选拍卖人用英语怎么说及英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 auctioneer 相似短语 auctioneer vendee 拍卖买主 auctioneer hammer n. 拍卖时拍卖人所持之小槌 auctioneer master 拍卖行老板 auctioneer's gavel 拍卖商的小槌 auctioneer's cramp 【医】 拍卖商痉挛 auctioneer's fee 拍卖费 ...
afor each pixel to the nearest target pixel in a 2D image 为每个映像点对最近的目标映像点在第2个图象[translate] ahosnev hosnev[translate] aWe can often find such an article in 我们可以经常发现这样文章[translate] aauctioneer 拍卖人[translate]...
拍卖人 中文拍卖人 英文auctioneer 【法】 auctioneer; auctor; vendue master
1. This article intends to conduct a study on the issue of the auctioneer of the assignment of the right to the use of the state-owned land in the urban areas (hereafter referred to as "the land"). 本文拟对国有建设用地使用权出让拍卖人进行研究和探讨。
apipes has not been wrapped by shrink film 管子未由收缩薄膜包裹[translate] aaucioneer aucioneer[translate] aChristian Duguay 基督徒Duguay[translate] aWhat can you do to help the poor or those in need? 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] aauctioneer 拍卖人[translate]...
"15美元,"拍卖人又叫了一次。 `Any advance on 20?' called the auctioneer. 拍卖人喊道:'20英镑,还有增加的吗?' The stentorian tones of the auctioneer, calling out to clear the way, now announced that the sale was about to commence 拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点,然后宣布拍卖即将开始。
英文拍卖术语I am an auctioneer 最近在补习英文。在 introduction 的环节,我介绍他们恍然大悟。看来homework连METE英文学校的老师都一时没反应过来 auctioneer是拍卖师。我只得边做 敲锤的手势,
auctioneer hammer n. 拍卖时拍卖人所持之小槌 auctioneer master 拍卖行老板 auctioneer's gavel 拍卖商的小槌 auctioneer's cramp 【医】 拍卖商痉挛 auctioneer's fee 拍卖费 auctioneer's hammer 拍卖人的小槌 auctioneer's commission 拍卖人佣金 auctioneer's commision 【经】 拍卖佣金(手续费) ...