* 1. You have a drawer filled with white,grey and black socks. What is the maximum number of socks that need to be removed from the drawer in order to guarantee four matching pairs of socks? A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 E. 12 参考答案:C ...
【宝洁网测】详细版管道题解说,附26套真题录屏+在线模拟题库|宝洁笔试OA发布于 2021-09-29 14:10 · 1.8 万次播放 赞同52251 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 宝洁(P&G)宝洁校招题库笔试秋招快消公司 写下你的评论... 暂无评论...