以下是一份英文的邮件休假自动回复范本,你可以根据自己的情况进行个性化的修改: Subject: Out of Office - [Your Name] Dear [Sender's Name], Thank you for your email. I wanted to let you know that I am currently out of the office on vacation and will not be checking my email until my retu...
英文中的介词及连接词皆会影响时间的精确度,可以看到上面的信中写到「 I will reply to your email when I return. 」,中文虽然是「当我回来时,我会回复您的电子邮件。」但是会让英文读者有错误的期待。由于信件前段提及假期到 3/2,紧接着下一句马上说,...
Example 3: Absence due to vacation 您好, 本人将于XX月XX日-XX月XX日休假,XX月XX日正式上班。如有紧急事项,烦请拨打本人电话138XXXXXXXX。 Dear [Recipient], Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, I will be out of the office starting (Start Date) to (End Date). I will return on (Date of...
休假也收邮件 Thank you for your email. I'm on holiday, but I still check my email box and respond when I have Internet connection. For urgent matters, you can contact (your phone number). 感谢你的来信,我正在放假,但我依旧会查看...
英文邮件之休假自动回复怎么写? 春节放假前你设置好了吗?看到最后有模版,在评论区复述一遍印象更深刻,主页找我要更多模版 #英文邮件 #商务英语 #职场英语 #英文写作 #外企英语 12 抢首评 6 4 举报发布时间:2024-02-12 12:11 全部评论 大家都在搜:...
假期邮件自动回复的英文是:Automatic reply to Holiday Mail。 一、邮件自动回复英文模板 Greetings,Thanks for your email.I am out of the office for Chinese New Year.I will return February 13th at 9 am CST.I seek your understanding if my response will take longer than expected.(您好,感谢来信,我...
假期邮件自动回复的英文是:Automatic reply to Holiday Mail。一、邮件自动回复英文模板 Greetings,Thanks for your email.I am out of the office for Chinese New Year.I will return February 13th at 9 am CST.I seek your understanding if my response will take longer than expected.(您好,...
设置好自动回复了,开始休假mode!纯属娱乐,#打工人 #英语 #英语口语 #商务英语 #外企 3924圆乐 00:16 出差或者放假期间不能回复客户邮件,可以设置一封自动回复邮件。#外贸 #外贸英语 #外贸邮件@DOU+小助手 查看AI文稿 23Niki聊外贸 01:01 #英文邮件 #春节倒计时 春节休假自动回复邮件咋写?#外企打工人 #商务英...
休息日自动回复英文模板合集 邮件自动回复模板中英文 邮件自动回复模板中英文 1,Out of Office Auto Reply for staff on annual leave: 员工本人休假自动回复模版如下: Dear Sir/Madam, I am currently out of the office from [DD/MM/YYYY] to [DD/MM/YYYY] on annual leave, and will be back in the ...