食味综合值3) comprehensive taste evaluation 食味品尝综合值 1. The relationships between the tested values and comprehensive taste evaluations of 100 Japonica rice varieties were studied. 结果表明:食味仪测定的食味值与食味品尝综合值之间存在极显著相关性,相关系数为0。4...
食味综合值2) comprehensive taste evaluation 食味品尝综合值 1. The relationships between the tested values and comprehensive taste evaluations of 100 Japonica rice varieties were studied. 结果表明:食味仪测定的食味值与食味品尝综合值之间存在极显著相关性,相关系数为0。
1. The relationships between the tested values and comprehensive taste evaluations of 100 Japonica rice varieties were studied. 结果表明:食味仪测定的食味值与食味品尝综合值之间存在极显著相关性,相关系数为0。2) The integrated value of rice taste 食味综合值...