1)阅读理解,英语二的文章比英语一的稍微简单点,主要是选项要比英语一的简单一些,没那么多花样。 2)新题型,英语二和英语一不太一样,英语一主要是七选五,选小标题和排序,英语二是选小标题,正误判断和多项对应,英语二该项比较简单,是得分的重点。 3)翻译,这也是一大不同,英语一是从一篇文章中选出五句话来分...
Horn said similar registration requirements could benefit struggling cities and towns, but “if we want to make a change in the housing market, the main one is we have to build a lot more.” 26. Which of the following is true of New England? A. Its housing supply is at a very low ...
1、词汇容量:英语二大纲要求的卷子的单词量与英语一相同,但在大纲中英语二卷子没有说明有超纲单词,而英语一明确说将有百分之三的超纲单词。 2、完形填空:英语一的文章相对较短,长度为240-280个单词,文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案;...
英语一Text 1 Nearly 2,000 years ago, as the Romans began to pull out of Scotland, they left behind a curious treasure: 10 tons of nails, nearly a million of them. The nail hoard was discovered in 1960 in a four-meter-deep pit covered by two meters of gravel. ...
英语一答案(1) 2023年全国硕士研究生招生考试(英语一)参考答案及解题思路 Section Ⅰ Use of English Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Text 1 21. In the first paragraph, the weather in Texas is mentioned to A. Forecast a policy shift in Texas school...
二、考察难度不同 1、词汇的区别 虽然考研英语一和英语二大纲中的单词量相同,但是在考试中英语二的...
一、单词单词是考研英语一取得高分的关键,复习单词的方法也是很多的。但是各种复习方法都存在有极大的弊端,下面简单说说考研英语一单词怎么准备?用单词书复习?单词书中… 12025考研英语一如何备考 一、单词 单词是考研英语一取得高分的关键,复习单词的方法也是很多的。但是各种复习方法都存在有极大的弊端,下面简单说说考研...
23考研英语一答案: 完形填空: 1. Located 2. Privately 3. combination 4. Describe 5. Such as 6. Construction 7. Faced 8. Subjected 9. So that 10. Meeting 11. As a result 12. Exchange 13. As well as 14. Influencing 15. Aided