沼梭科 Haliplidae 沼 pond 梭 shuttle 梭状梭菌 Fusiformis 梭梭 saxoul 低沼 level 沼蛙 Rana 碱沼 长沼 bayou 震沼 quaking 最新单词 置换圆锥英文怎么写 precipitat 置换固溶体英文怎么写及英文单词 substituti 置换反映的英文怎么说 displaceme 置换反应英文怎么写 replacemen 置换力英文...
沼梭科 释义 Haliplidae 沼梭科;
沼梭科 1. This paper reports the water beetles of Sanxia Reservoir, including Family Dytiscidae with 9 genera and 15 species; Family Hydrophilidae with 7 genera and 11 species; and Family Haliplidae with 1 g. 其中龙虱科9属、15种,牙甲科7属、11种,沼梭科1属1种。 2) Limnocharidae 喜...