据Decrypt消息,在经历了长达五个月的禁令后,Twitter恢复了自由主义博客Zero Hedge的账户。一周后,Zero Hedge再次被贝宝(PayPal)和谷歌拒之门外。据悉,Zero Hedge经常发布有关加密货币的消息。其在周四的一篇帖子中表示,该网站受到了“全面的攻击”,目前正在开发一个“不受外部力量影响的免费网站高级版本”。
站长之家(ChinaZ.com) 2月3日 消息:不仅仅是Facebook和谷歌在对抗虚假新型冠状病毒有关信息。目前,Twitter已经永久禁止金融网站和阴谋发起方Zero Hedge。 Zero Hedge发布一篇虚假报道,称一名武汉科学家制造了一种新型冠状病毒作为武器,并发布了姓名、照片、电子邮件和电话号码。 在一份声明中,Twitter表示,它已经禁止了...
知名金融博客ZeroHedge报道,标普指数创历史新高,英伟达市值突破3万亿美元,甚至短暂超越了苹果公司。但文章警告,市场正大胆进入巨大的资产泡沫,英伟达将需要未来几十年每家科技公司都购买人工智能(AI)芯片来证明其估值合理。 (来源:Twitter) ZeroHedge提到:“还记得发达国家央行假装其通胀目标是2%的时候吗?今天,这个谎言被...
recently discovered cybercriminals who are targeting Japanese citizens by pretending to be a disability welfare service provider, taking advantage of panic in order to spread malware. Phishing emails claim that coronavirus cases have been reported in the Gifu, Tottori and Osaka prefectures in Japan and...
(来源:Twitter) 美国银行首席信息官迈克尔·哈特内特(Michael Hartnett)上周提出了悲观的前景,他在最新的Flow Show报告中指出,投资者的目光超越了此时此地,意识到市场或经济无法维持下去5%的名义利率和2%的实际利率。 市场对冲两件事,分别是美联储随着消费者物价指数(CPI)加速而降息的风险,以及更不祥的美联储利息成本...
Zero Hedge now has 215,000 Twitter followers. No one from the site responded to CNNMoney's requests for comment. Related: Mohamed El-Erian says to take some money out of stocks One-stop shop for bears:Zero Hedge enthusiasts find real value in understanding and debating all the scenarios tha...
Thus whenZeroHedgewas banned by Twitter, and then in Junedemonetized by Google Ads, a much larger red flag should have gone up. There was some huffing from the usual talk show hucksters that pass themselves off as “conservatives” and even some astonishment in the usually ignorant financial ...
Earlier this year, Twitterbannedthe Zero Hedge account from the social media platform after it published an article linking a Chinese scientist to the outbreak of the fast-spreading coronavirus last week, saying the account had violated “platform manipulation policy.” The account was reinstated in...
--纽约时报 一架F-22飞机被发现在廷德尔的无屋顶飞机库。看看这张照片的左上方。不知道这是飞机还是地面训练器,但看起来不太好。更多关于廷德尔AFB的悲伤状态在这里: https://t.co/JikiO65eny pic.twitter.com/GlvQ6hnJP7 - Tyler Rogoway (@Aviation_Intel) 2018年10月12日 查看更多精彩内容...