AP Writing: REMEMBER: In all 3 essay types (SAQ, DBQ, and LEQ), the only thing you are doing is making an argument & Answering the Prompt You are arguing. I'm doing a Research Project! Presentation transcript:What is a thesis statement? Thesis Statements What is a thesis statement? It...
This does not mean that students don’t learn a great deal in high school, but it’s easy to see why some students think that writing is important only in English classes. Many students also believe an academic essay must be five paragraphs long or that “school writing” is usually liter...
Monday, May 6, 2013 Daily Learning Target: I can deconstruct an On-Demand passage based prompt in order to prepare for the on demand assessment. Warm Up Objective: Scientists will describe forensic geology by analyzing the stations. What is the topic? What will you be doing? Why is this i...
而A的到来就像初春的开谢花,落英缤纷,却唯见涟漪,不闻波声。 记得有一次周末很晚从LX家出来,A发来短信问我所在,我回说让她猜,她说,是在LX家吧?我奇道你如何猜到?她这样回答: Your life is organized like an orbit. I know. 了解了这点,就知道为何四年于相隔千里的我们,似乎只是弹指一挥间而已。 我其...
Crafting an effective English essay requires a systematic and well-structured approach. The first step is to thoroughly understand the prompt or topic of the essay. This involves carefully reading and analyzing the question or assignment, identifying the key elements that need to be addressed, and ...
Synthesis—1 point The breakdown: All you need to do for synthesis isrelateyour argument about this specific time period to adifferenttime period, geographical area, historical movement, etc. It is probably easiest to do this in the conclusion of the essay. ...
Using a random prompt generator to get some fresh ideas.Case study sample paperIntroduction Images of vigilantes have been used in art and literature for a long time. As a rule, the vigilante is a protagonist and get the sympathy of readers and viewers. Such heroes decide to break the law...
The median is one of three ways we can find the center of a group of numbers. We call this finding the center 'measuring central tendency.' Mean, median, and mode are the three most popular ways to do this. You can think of the median as the middleman of a group of numbers. It'...
Then comes the actual prompt, which is always the same and describes the task you need to complete with the topic information. So what’s the actual task? You will need to write an essay that clearly states your perspective on the issue, analyzes the relationship between your perspective and...
Steven Handel wrote in this space to analogize ecology and landscape architecture to a marriage: it takes work to make all that love and harmony happen. Built into this roundtable prompt is certainly an issue of communication. That is,...