End face of body has port with closing hatch cover. EFFECT: enhanced sensitivity threshold; extended range of flow rates being measured. 3 dwgKOBELEV N.S.VIKTOROV G.V.
Plus, all of these software can create 3D water bottle designs that can also be exported in various CAD file formats like DXF, DWG, CXW, OBS, 3DS, and more. Plus, they also let users import existing water bottle designs in various common CAD formats. To design a water bottle or any ...
, at the base of the open hatch of the helicopter, after its readiness, slope of a sloping flat surface with dividers is selected by practical consideration.EFFECT: bags with water fall at a speed gain and after the explosive destruction of packets effectively scatter water.2 cl, 4 dwg...
reducing the cost of maintenance and repair of the tower, as well as simplifying its maintenance during operation, protecting the water in the water tower from atmospheric pollution, maintaining water quality in the tower at the level of the quality of water entering the tower.;3 cl, 2 dwgSTR...
is mounted on the hatch cover, spring-loaded stem of this check valve is connected to the annular retainer fixed on the hatch flywheel in such a way that, when moving, the stem rests against the annular retainer.;EFFECT: enabling higher safety of the device operation.;1 cl, 1 dwgGARSHIN...
Ash pit is arranged in front wall of ash chamber.;EFFECT: enhanced efficiency of fuel burning, improved operational condition, lowered slag formation on low-temperature surfaces.;4 cl, 2 dwgSAKOVICH G.V.DAMMER I.V.DAMMER V.KH.ZAJTSEV EH.D....
chamber comprises hatch, observation windows, curvilinear wall, which is bent with creation of hollow torus, and connected by pipe to wall installed lower/higher, with creation of at least double-level structure.;EFFECT: increased body capacity without considerable losses of its strength.;6 dwgSHCH...
, at the base of the open hatch of the helicopter, after its readiness, slope of a sloping flat surface with dividers is selected by practical consideration.;EFFECT: bags with water fall at a speed gain and after the explosive destruction of packets effectively scatter water.;2 cl, 4 dwg...
-compartment bulkhead of the underwater technical means and provided with two lower hatches, while the lower hatches are placed to provide entry into a chamber from adjacent compartments.EFFECT: improvement of the device's performance under various types of accidents is provided.1 cl, 3 dwg...
-compartment bulkhead of the underwater technical means and provided with two lower hatches, while the lower hatches are placed to provide entry into a chamber from adjacent compartments.;EFFECT: improvement of the device's performance under various types of accidents is provided.;1 cl, 3 dwg...