"I started Victoria Beckham Beauty because I knew people were interested in it, but I wanted to do it the way I wanted to do it, really focusing on clean beauty. Product ingredients were key. In the past, I struggled with my skin for many years. When I was younger I went to dermato...
"I started Victoria Beckham Beauty because I knew people were interested in it, but I wanted to do it the way I wanted to do it, really focusing on clean beauty. Product ingredients were key. In the past, I struggled with my skin for many years. When I was younger I went to dermato...
(@VictoriaBeckham中国粉丝会 独家译文 , 勿二改,转载请注明出处。)【草本美人】我是素食主义者,我不吃任何肉制品。对于我来说不是难事,因为我们有自己的厨师,可以做营养均衡的饭食。防止缺乏营养,我吃Dr Soram Khalsa的维生素D片,我还服用一种中草药的口服液,可以维持能量均衡,益气补血。我也吃含有脂肪酸的...
零售价¥999.00 成交4笔 淘宝 分装现货Victoria beckham/VB维多利亚贝嫂口红pose/fringe/Spice 零售价¥25.99 成交10笔 淘宝 Victoria Beckham Beauty VB贝嫂口红SPICE/POSE唇釉唇线笔Amour 零售价¥238.00 成交3笔 淘宝 分装现货Victoria beckham/VB维多利亚贝嫂口红pose/fringe/Spice 零售价¥25.99 成交3笔 淘宝...
“我创办维多利亚·贝克汉姆美容 (Victoria Beckham Beauty) 是因为我知道人们对此有兴趣,但我想以我想要的方式去做,真正专注于干净的美容。产品成分是关键。过去,我为自己的皮肤挣扎了很多年。当我年轻的时候,我去看皮肤科医生,他们让我服用各种抗生素和不同的局部解决方案,我决定收回权力,真正专注于我放入和涂抹在...