安东尼奥·丹尼尔斯大学时期效力于博林格林州立大学(Bowling Green State University),在1997年NBA选秀大会上被温哥华灰熊队(Vancouver Grizzlies)以首轮第四顺位选中,NBA职业生涯中曾效力过温哥华灰熊队、圣安东尼奥马刺队、波特兰开拓者队、西雅图超音速队、华盛顿奇才队、新奥尔良黄蜂队和费城76人队。
Bowling Green State UniversityPhillip LamarrBowling Green State UniversityJournal of Sport & Social IssuesCunningham, P.L. (2009). "Please don't fine me again!!!" Black athletic defiance in the NBA and NFL. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 33(1), 39-58. doi: 10.1177/0193723508328630Cunn...
·《Bowling For Soup-1985》 NBA宣传广告歌曲 ·《I still believe》 ·《Elevation》 ·《So Young》 ·《Can't Stop》 ·《Dilemma》 ·《A Thousand Miles》 ·《Why Can't I》 ·《Yeah》 NBA全明星歌曲 ·《Hey ya》 ·《This Train Don't Stop …》 ·《Song Of Yao Ming》 ·《Hero》 ...
Examines one of the nation's least understood recent phenomena 鈥 the dramatic decline in crime nationwide over the past two... OK Roeder,LB Eisen,J Bowling,... - 《Social Science Electronic Publishing》 被引量: 27发表: 2015年 加载更多...