Ulnar nerve entrapment syndromecan cause tingling in fingers and affects the nerve that supplies feeling to the inside of your forearm, some of your palm, and your last two fingers. Radial nerve palsycomes from stress on the nerve that runs along the bottom of your arm, such as when your ...
Peripheral neuropathy can affectsensory nerves in the feet and legs as well as hands and arms, although it is also possible to affect motor and autonomic nerves influencing other body functions. It is often caused by the following conditions: Diabetes Diabetes neuropathy, mostly experienced in the ...
Get emergency medical help if numbness in your hand or arm is sudden or happens after a head injury. If you have any weakness, trouble thinking or talking, a sudden, severe headache, or feel dizzy, you also need to get help right away. Takeaways Numbness in your fingers can happen for ...