ThinVNC is a web based remote desktop solution that takes advantage of the latest HTML5 features and allows you to access your computer remotely from any HTML5 compliant web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox), without the need to install any client software or plugins. The ThinVNC serve...
ThinVNC free download. Get the latest version now. Pure-Web Remote Desktop, no client needed. Free.
APP可以支持HTML5规范的几款浏览器,包括但不限于Firefox,Chrome,Safari等浏览器,兼容模式极强。最新版本的ThinVNC早已被改写,便于与微软公司的远程桌面协义(RemoteDesktopProtocol)融合,为这一受欢迎的程序给予一个无客户端的HTML5RDP客户端。 现阶段ThinVNC给予三种联接方式:远程桌面,屏幕共享和文件传输,凭着其新作用...
ThinVNC是一款以网页浏览器为基础设计的远程桌面访问软件,不局限用户端使用那种作业平台,都可以透过采用HTML5为标准的浏览器程式来达到远端控制。软件能够支持HTML5标准的多款浏览器,其中包括Firefox, Chrome, Safari等浏览器,兼容性极强。新版本的ThinVNC已经被改编,以便与微软的远程桌面协议(Remote Desktop Protocol)整...
Unlike many other remote control apps, ThinVNC is really easy to use. Just run the server on the machine you want to control and you'll be able to access its desktop via a simpleweb browser– as long as it has support for HTML 5. No installation on the client side needed!
ThinVNC is a pure HTML5 & AJAX Remote Desktop implementation. ThinVNC works on any HTML5-compliant web browser. Users can access a remote PC from any computer or mobile OS; no additional plugin or installation will be required on the client side. - bewes