【全英少儿科普】联合国17项可持续发展目标Sustainable Development Goals 中小学生科普动画 SDG共计15条视频,包括:SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS - What are SDGs带字幕、01.No poverty-Sustainable Development Goals for Kids、02.Zero Hunger-Sustainable Developmen
Infrastructure provides the foundation for economic growth and development, while industrialization creates jobs and opportunities. However, traditional infrastructure and industrialization models are often unsustainable. SDG 9 aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster...
清华大学全球可持续发展研究院(Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University, 英文简称为TUSDG,中文简称为“清华全球SDG研究院”) ... 5月14日,“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在京举办之际,清华大学全球可持续发展研究院成立大会暨“一带一路与全球可持续发展”学术论坛在清华大学举行。 据了解,...
Infrastructure development plays a vital role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and poverty reduction. The government of India has initiated many rural development schemes from time to time to enhance infrastructure, but after seven decades of independence, there is inadequate basic ...
UN SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure Our industry is driven by innovation and infrastructure development and target 9.4 – Upgrading infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and focusing on cutting CO2 per value ad...
, research and development activities (SDG 9). The Company is trying to focus its activities also on: efficient resource management (while striving to eliminate waste in accordance with the Circular Economy idea), reclamation of land and maintenance of biodiversity in post-mining areas (SDG 15)....
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Leidy Klotz, University of Virginia SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities Jacob Park, Castleton University SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Jian Zuo, The University of Adelaide SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Maurie Cohen, New Jersey Instit...
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation Our commitment:We will empower our community so they can support organisations to be ethical, sustainable, successful and able to participate in the global...
Play a role in shaping a system wide approach to addressing one/some of the SDG targets. Help suppliers build their capacity to participate (e.g. by facilitating trade credit, skills building or technology transfer) in your value chain or deliver a better product or service to you if they ...
SDG 9: Build a Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization, and Foster Innovation We are dedicated to sustainable innovations, offering bio-based ingredients and specialized components for infrastructure durability, energy efficiency, and the transition to renewable energy, ...