Bloopers are small, squid-like creatures encountered in bodies of water and a recurring enemy species of the Super Mario franchise. Bloopers first appear in Super Mario Bros. Bloopers are usually depicted as white squids with a black, mask-like...
The Super Blooper is a giant Blooper that resides in Toad Town Tunnels in Paper Mario. It is one of the many Bloopers that Mario comes across in the game, specifically after Chapter 5. Sushie's ability is needed to reach the Blooper. It is the...
Cheep Cheep(泡泡鱼) Blooper(鱿鱿) Blooper(鱿鱿) Bowser(库巴/酷霸王) Bowser(库巴/酷霸王) Goomba:栗子小子(神游)/栗宝宝(任天堂) Lava Bubble:火焰泡泡 Spiny:刺虫(神游)/刺刺龟(任天堂) Spiny Egg:刺蛋(神游,新超马官网)/刺刺蛋(腾讯,新超马UDX官网) Bill Blaster:弹头杀手炮台(神游)/炮弹刺客炮台(任天...
Blooper(鱿鱿宝宝) Jelectro Jelectro Bob-omb(炸弹兵) Ptooie Ptooie Buster Beetle(破坏甲虫) Lava Lotus(岩浆莲花) Lava Lotus(岩浆莲花) Spike(加邦) Spike(加邦) Big Goomba(大板粟仔) Big Koopa Troopa(大慢慢龟) Piranhacus Giganticus(巨型食人花) ...
别名: Super Mario Brothers 中文别名: 超级马里奥兄弟、超级玛丽、超级马里奥 开发商:Nintendo 发行商:Nintendo(JP/EU/AU/US/CA),Samurai(IN),Hyundai(KR) 游戏平台:, 发行于日本: September 13,1985 发行于美国: October 18,1985 发行于欧洲: May 15,1987 ...
Title Super Mario + Txt1 Mario +, Larry Koopa +, Luigi +, Professor Elvin Gadd +, Princess Peach +, Wendy O. Koopa +, Donkey Kong +, Penguin +, Roy Koopa + and Baby Mario + Txt10 Blooper +, Foo +, Kamek +, Big Urchin +, Big Koopa Troopa +, Spike + and Dry Bowser + ...
SUPER MARIO TO BLOOPER MARIO; Balotelli Scores Two but Then Sees Red as City Show Some GritByline: IAN LADYMANWest Brom 0Man City 2Next: West Ham v WEST BROM, MAN CITY v Man Utd (both Wednesday)IF ROBERTO Mancini is to remain at Manchester City long into a prosperous future, he ...
SUPER MARIO TO BLOOPER MARIO; Balotelli Scores Two but Then Sees Red as City Show Some Grit 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 4 摘要: Byline: IAN LADYMANWest Brom 0Man City 2Next: West Ham v WEST BROM, MAN CITY v Man Utd (both Wednesday)IF ROBERTO Mancini is to remain at ...
别名: Super Mario Brothers.(FDS) 中文别名: 超级马里奥兄弟(磁碟系统) 开发商:Nintendo EAD 发行商:Nintendo 游戏平台:Famicom Disk System 发行于日本: February 21,1986 磁碟版超级马力欧兄弟是和FC磁碟机一起首发的游戏。 目录 [隐藏] 与FC/NES版差异 ...