市场资本(Market capitalization),通常简称为市值(market cap),上市公司的市值可以通过将股价(share price)乘以流通股数(number of shares)来计算。流动性(Liquidity)是指资产(如股票)转换为现金的难易程度。 反分割(reverse stock split )可用于减少公司拥有的已发行股票数量,而不是增加股票数量。因此,反分割有效地...
“Stock split ”指的是股票分割,又称股票拆细,即将一张较大面值的股票拆成几张较小面值的股票。 股票分割对公司的资本结构不会产生任何影响,一般只会使发行在外的股票总数增加,资产负债表中股东权益各账户(股本、资本公积、留存收益)的余额都保持不变,股东权益的总额也保持不变。A stock split is a corporate ...
stock price 股票价格 stock record 股东名册 stock selling 股票抛售 stock split 分股 stock ticker 股票行情自动收录器 ▎指数(index) 上证综合指数 Shanghai Composite Index 深圳成分指数 Shenzhen Component Index 香港恒生指数 Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index ▎市场(market) A股市场 A-share market B股市场 B-s...
通过一个题目来演示计算过程和处理方法 A price-weighted index series is composed of the following three stocks: Price before split (day 1) price after split (day 2) Stock X 10 12 Stock Y 20 19 Stock Z 60 22 If stock Z completes a three-for-one split at the end of Day 1, the valu...
This is definitely a good indicator that a company"s share price is doing very good. But you don"t get any more value, just twice as many shares at half their value. 股份拆细是指将现时的一份股票分成或拆成几股新股票. 股份拆细除了股价将缩细外, 亦会使整个股份数目改变, 但不会令资本...
Stock Split的翻译是分股,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:将公司现有股票划分为更多的股票。在一分为二的分股中,每名股东每持有一股便可额外获得多一股。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
助教这里把对应的部分都用粉红色圈出来了,你可以再仔细看下, 乘以1.2这件事是针对stock split和...
谢谢 @lcrcp3 同学的补充,二者在具体会计处理上,确实有差异,但这个其实并不是 CFA 的重点,所以了解...
This is definitely a goodindicator4that a company"s share price is doing very good. But you don"t get any more value, just twice as many shares at half their value. 股份拆细是指将现时的一份股票分成或拆成几股新股票. 股份拆细除了股价将缩细外, 亦会使整个股份数目改变, 但不会令资本改...
Stock Splits A company can control their market price in some cases. When the market price is too high, people will not invest in the company. What can we do? We can split our stock! A stock splits does not cause an accounting entry as it does not change any monetary amounts listed...