ITEM!For as long as the Jazzy One's been taking up space around these parts, folks from far and wide have beseeched the Skin Graft citadel for original drawings of the endearing & enduring Skin Graft cartoon characters to hang in their hut, tattoo on their anatomy, or hide under their ...
0 想组一支Skinhead乐队,人在北京 Oi 2021-03 本人想组一支skinhead乐队,喜欢booze & Glory和hardskin是必须。计划初期翻唱,后期做原创,加reggea、ska、funk和一些北京当地元素,有兴趣留言。(我40岁,会点儿吉他贝斯,技术一般般。) Oi 3-29 0 大家有什么skinhead微信群嘛?可以邀请我一下嘛 胡图图 2020-...