而与之对比鲜明的是,日本国内现在只有丰田和本田两家拿出了商业化的燃料电池汽车产品,且每家只有一款可选。 本田的 Clarity,是日本国内能买到的另一款燃料电池汽车 我们不仅是大自然的搬运工,我们还生产水 "燃料电池"是一个人人听过却无人能解释清楚的玄学名词。需要强调的是,这里的"燃料"与"燃烧"没有任何关系,...
1. “ The response focuses on the detail of when the lines on the graph intersect but there is a lack of clarity in these details. The description of the second chart lacks detail. This limits the task achievement.” 如上,考官反复提到了三遍缺少“details”这个缺点, 并且强调了这对于“task ...
water tank 1 of raising tilapia, the algae in the culture solution are taken in tilapia and the whole operations are systematized so that supply of culture solution to continuously culture algae and change of water to maintain clarity of raising water are automatically carried out to culture ...
Explore RJN Clarity We are experts inall things water 10Mfeet of wastewater improved Wastewater RJN engineers understand the challenges you face with wastewater collection system management. We can help you plan, study, design, and improve your sewer assets to ensure services that meet community gr...