Redhill Games is Great Place To Work® certified. 84% of Redhillians think that Redhill Games is indeed a Great Place to Work – more than twice as much in comparison to fellow Finnish GPTW Certified™ companies on average! All company names, brand names, trademarks, logos, illustrations...
前Remedy首席执行官Matias Myllyrinne今日宣布,在合伙人的帮助下,已经在芬兰赫尔辛基成立了自己的新工作室Redhill Games。 Matias自然继续担任CEO一职,前Remedy技术总监Mikko Uromo出任CTO,前Wargaming开发总监Milos Jerabek担任首席制作人,前Wargaming人力总监Ekaterina则承担首席运营官席位。 据悉该工作室已经从Guerilla Games...
Redhill Games has 3 board of directors, including Harri Manninen. Name Firm Work History Other Seats Harri Manninen Harri has over 18 years experience in gaming and previously co-founded Rocket Pack, which was acquired by Disney in 2011. He is also the co-founder of Matchmade (Shark Punch...
Redhill Games is a seasoned game development studio operating in the gaming industry. The company primarily focuses on the creation of AAA games, leveraging their extensive knowledge of AAA PC and console titles to co-develop leading gaming brands. Their services are primarily targeted towards AAA ...
游戏开发工作室Redhill Games是由开发《马克思佩恩》、《心灵杀手》、《量子破碎》等游戏的Remedy Entertainment公司前任CEO Matias Myllyrinne创办的。日前,该工作室明确宣布旗下多人第一人称射击游戏《朝九晚五(Nine to Five)》的确切发行日期为2022年5月16日,目前该游戏处于事前测试。
Redhill Games宣布免费多人对战FPS游戏《9-5(Nine to Five)》将于5月16日北京时间18点在Steam平台正式推出,并同时公布了发售预告片,让我们一起来看看吧! 本作是被企业支配的未来为舞台的一款FPS游戏,于2021年8月开启抢先体验。玩家在游戏中将与另外两位玩家组成小队,再与另外两个3人小队展开竞赛。三个阶段的竞赛...
摘要:不久前,开发《马克思佩恩》、《心灵杀手》、《量子破碎》等游戏的Remedy Entertainment的前任CEO Matias Myllyrinne,跟《坦克世界》开发商Wargaming出身的开发者们一同创办了新的游戏开发工作室Redhill Games。 游戏观察消息,不久前,开发《马克思佩恩》、《心灵杀手》、《量子破碎》等游戏的Remedy Entertainment公司前...
Redhill 实时比分、球员、赛季日程表和今天的结果可以在 Sofascore 上查看。 Redhill 下一场比赛 有些Redhill 比赛可能有包含进球和新闻的视频集锦,但只有在他们参加最热门的足球联赛时才会如此。 Redhill 上一场比赛 Redhill 的上一场比赛是在 FA Cup, Qualification 上对阵 Hastings United,比赛 结果为 3 - 1 (...
【9-5封闭测试奖励公布】今天晚间RedHill Games工作室宣布在6月21日前Alpha测试等级达到4级的玩家有机会抽取95件特别版测试者T恤,有兴趣的玩家还请不要错过了! #fps小分队情报站#
更多释义 例句 释义: 全部,红山,红山机场,红山酒厂 更多例句筛选 1. Red Hill is incorporating similar Wii technology into games to help improve gait and balance in kids with Cerebral Palsy. 同时RedHill正将类似Wii的技术融入他们的游戏,来改善脑麻痹患儿的步态和平衡。 article.yeeyan.org隐私...