msinfo32 /categories +all -loadedmodules Um eine .nfo-Datei mit dem Namen SYSSUM.NFO im Ordner C:\TEMP zu erstellen, welche Informationen aus der Kategorie "System Summary" (Systemzusammenfassung) enthält, geben Sie Folgendes ein: msinfo32 /nfo C:\TEM...
P - INFO_32 Shows MSINFO32 Screens Q - IP_CONF Display Network Config R - NETSTAT All Network Statistics S - SYS_SUM System Summary Display T - PROFILE Displays SSID listings U - WIFIKEY Displays as clear text V - CONNECT Manual WiFi connection W - WINSOCK Reset t...
Still See the same status in IPIU and also msinfo32 shows "A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed." So probably the only way to get back this functionality is to reset the windows that I do not plan to do in the n...
Still See the same status in IPIU and also msinfo32 shows "A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed." So probably the only way to get back this functionality is to reset the windows that I do not plan to do in the near future...