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The meaning of DISCIPLINE is control gained by enforcing obedience or order. How to use discipline in a sentence. The Root and Meanings of Discipline Synonym Discussion of Discipline.
Gain & Meaning by: Lynn R. Millerfrom issue: 26-2 Editorials Gain always points to increase reflecting back on fertility. The word ‘gain’ in the manner to which I prefer its use and application NEVER, by definition, depletes. Whether you accept my terminology or not, it should be clea...
meaning fundamental rights of india union territories of india capitals of seven sisters of india most populated states in india biology microbiology ecology zoology photosynthesis formulas maths formulas algebra formulas trigonometry formulas geometry formulas cbse sample papers cbse sample papers for class ...
in sprintf the backslash is used as escape character: the following character get a special meaning: \r is a "carriage return" and \n a "new line". Both together are used by DOS applications as line break. To get a backslash charater, \\ is used. Remark: You can ask an internet ...
Peppler is a Professor of Informatics and Professor of Education at University of California, Irvine, where she engages in research that focuses on the design of new technologies to support learning and participation within traditionally minoritized populations, particularly at the intersection of the ...
“a person or thing through which power is exerted or an end is achieved.” The first meaning is invoked when we say that a person “has agency” or is “denied agency.” Burke’s use in the pentad invokes the second meaning, that of a means, an instrument, or a tool that is ...
a. a morpheme that underlies an inflectional or derivational paradigm, as dance, the root in danced, dancer or tend-, the root of Latin tendere“to stretch.” b. such a form reconstructed for a parent language, as *sed-, the hypothetical proto-Indo-European root meaning “sit.” 11....
Newborn neurons search for meaning. Science, 299, 32–34. Barkin, Shari, Scheindlin, Benjamin, Ip, Edward H., Richardson, Irma, & Finch, Stacia. (2007). Determinants of parental disci- pline practices: A national sample from primary care practices. Clinical Pediatrics, 46, 64–69. ...