QJSValue result = engine.evaluate("var x = 10; x * 2;"); qDebug() << result.toNumber(); //输出20 ``` 开发人员还可以使用QjsEngine在JavaScript和C++之间进行双向通信。QjsEngine提供了一些方法来注册C++对象,使其在JavaScript中可以被访问。这些方法包括`globalObject()`、`newQObject()`和`setGlobal...
QJSValue three= myEngine.evaluate("1 + 2"); 案例2: QJSValue fun = myEngine.evaluate("(function(a, b) { return a + b; })"); QJSValueList args; args<<1<<2; QJSValue threeAgain= fun.call(args); 案例3: QString fileName ="helloworld.qs"; QFile scriptFile(fileName);if(!scriptFi...
QJSEngine JsEngine;// 使用jsEngine 记载js脚本 //JsEngine.evaluate(JsContents, FileName);// get js function. //QJSValue JsfuncAdd = JsEngine.globalObject().property("Add"); QJSValue JsfuncSub = JsEngine.globalObject().property("Sub");// 执行js中的函数 //QJSValueList args; args <<30<...
QJSValue result = engine.evaluate("var obj = new Custom.MyCustomType(); obj.value = 42; obj.doSomething();"); if (result.isError()) { qDebug() << result.toString(); } return app.exec(); } 在上面的示例中,我们创建了一个名为MyCustomType的自定义类型,并在QJSEngine中注册它。然后,我...
evaluate("1 + 2"); evaluate() returns a QJSValue that holds the result of the evaluation. The QJSValue class provides functions for converting the result to various C++ types (e.g. QJSValue::toString() and QJSValue::toNumber()). The following code snippet shows how a script function can...
QJSEnginemyEngine;QJSValuethree=myEngine.evaluate("1 + 2"); evaluate() returns aQJSValuethat holds the result of the evaluation. TheQJSValueclass provides functions for converting the result to various C++ types (e.g.QJSValue::toString() andQJSValue::toNumber()). ...
QString script = "console.log('Hello, World!');"; engine.evaluate(script); 最后,从QJSValue对象中获取标准输出的内容。 代码语言:txt 复制 QString output = consoleOutput.property("output").toString(); 完整的代码示例如下: 代码语言:txt
QJSEngine engine; QJSValue objResult = engine.evaluate(strExpression); Qt Creator About information: Qt Creator4.8.0-beta(4.7.82) Based on Qt5.11.2(Clang8.0(Apple),64bit) Built on Oct10201805:23:06From revision4801348a31 About my iMac: ...