No clinically relevant differences were observed between PRU and PLA in laboratory parameters, in vital signs or ECG values during the trial period (Abstract 047).ConclusionTreatment during 12weeks with PRU 2mg and 4mg is safe and well tolerated by patients with CC....
years.The target values for serum calcium and phosphorus are basically consistent, achieve and maintain the values in the normal reference ranges when possible.The calcium-phosphorus product is mainly affected by the phosphorus concentration and has less significance.The target value for PTH is...
Test-retest suggests good agreement for all scales' total scores with ICC values of 0.74 and 0.83 (IBD-F Section 1 and 2), 0.74 (MAF) and 0.65–0.84 (MFI). Age, gender, bowel condition, anxiety, depression and IBDQ scores were significantly associated with level of fatigue (p < 0.001)...