A member of NSG Group1A member of NSG Group1Application of Inorganic Chemistry in IndustryFlat Glass and Coatings On Gla
GlobalFlatGlassMarket GlobalMarket37milliontonnes(4.4billionsq.m)BuildingProducts33mtonnes-Automotive4mtonnesOfwhich –24million=highqualityfloatglass–3million=sheet–2million=rolled–8million=lowerqualityfloat(mostlyChina)GlobalValueAtprimarymanufacturelevel€15billion Atprocessedlevel€50billion 4 ...
Glass Process •Coating technology within the glass industry –Chemical Vapour Deposition •Examples of on line coating applications –Low Emissivity/Solar Control –Self Cleaning •Summary •Suggested Reading 2 Global Flat Glass Market Global Market 37 million tonnes ( billion sq. m)...
the energy losses through the window: K-Glass e=0.15,56,Transpare 33、nt Conducting Oxides,Doped metal oxides displaying n-type conductivity F- substitutes for O2- in the SnO2 lattice releasing an electron into the conduction band i.e. Sn4+O2-2-xF-xe-x Close to metallic conductivity (15...