They both refer to words that have special meaning at compile-time (or equivalently at lint-time). They are reserved in that they cannot be used for ordinar-y variable names or other user-supplied n叨1es. Thus the phrase reserved word is a little more honest even though keyword is more...
D-1000Z-CD-1000Z-V)D-1000Z-EMeaningcodeC/V/EOutputCircuitType DE-04DE-04-C DE-04-VDE-04-E MeaningcodeC/V/EOutputCircuitType DL-07DL-07-C DL-07-VDL-07-E MeaningcodeC/V/EOutputCircuitType DL-20ADL-20A-C DL-20A-V DL-20A-EMeaningcodeC/V/EOutputCircuitType DL-30i MUTOHROTARYE...