東京2024年10月16日/美通社/ -- NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS株式會社(以下簡稱"NXHD")已與SH HoldCo GmbH(簡稱「Simon Hegele」)的股東達成協議,收購德國這家專注於醫療保健行業合同物流的企業集團的所有股份。雙方於2024年9月30日(日本時間)簽訂了股權買賣協議,詳細內容如下。 NX圖標:https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/i...
IR LibraryDownload latest IR materialsDownload SeparatelyLatest materialsEarnings Presentation Materials Last updated: Aug-27-24 Financial Results for Q2, Fiscal Year Ending December 2024: Questions and Answers (Summary)[PDF 409KB] Financial Results Presentation for Q2, Fiscal Year Ending December 2024...
东京2024年10月16日/美通社/ -- NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS株式会社(以下简称"NXHD")已与SH HoldCo GmbH(简称"Simon Hegele")的股东达成协议,收购德国这家专注于医疗保健行业合同物流的企业集团的所有股份。双方于2024年9月30日(日本时间)签订了股权买卖协议,详细内容如下。 NX图标:https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img...
Basic Policy NIPPON EXPRESS Holdings, Inc. ("the Company") respects the principles of the "Fair Disclosure Rules" set forth in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and through timely and appropriate disclosure of fair and highly transparent information, and through dialogues with stakeholders ...
东京2024年10月16日/美通社/ -- NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS株式会社(以下简称"NXHD")已与SH HoldCo GmbH(简称"Simon Hegele")的股东达成协议,收购德国这家专注于医疗保健行业合同物流的企业集团的所有股份。双方于2024年9月30日(日本时间)签订了股权买卖协议,详细内容如下。
东京2024年10月16日/美通社/ -- NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS株式会社(以下简称"NXHD")已与SH HoldCo GmbH(简称"Simon Hegele")的股东达成协议,收购德国这家专注于医疗保健行业合同物流的企业集团的所有股份。双方于2024年9月30日(日本时间)签订了股权买卖协议,详细内容如下。
Similarly, it has been shown that nema- todes Haemonchus contortus and Caenorhabditis elegans express Nu-class GSTs which can bind the haem [50]. Further investigation is required to determine the class and function of the E. nipponicum GSTs to determine what role they might play in haem ...
In this report, in order to clearly express our approach toward helping realize a sustainable society, we present our sustainability initiatives in details with representative examples. Period covered The period covered in the report is fiscal 2021 (from April 2021 to March 2022). For some ...
Iceland Express Jagson Airlines JetConnect Indus Air JAL Express LagunAir Mihin Lanka Norwegian Air Shuttle Nok Air One-Two-Go Airlines Pegasus Airlines Primaris Airlines Shenzhen Airlines SkyEurope SkyValue Spring Airlines Sky Express Thomsonfly ...
Nippon Express expandirá gradualmente esta iniciativa a múltiples ubicaciones y construirá "Almacenes de trabajo universales y armoniosos" capaces de albergar una diversidad aún mayor. También intentará convertir su conocimiento en servicios de soluciones en algún momento en el ...