Explore Chinese mythical animals. Learn about the Four Supernatural Spirits of China, and discover other Chinese folklore creatures, including...
the best known creatures in greek mythology 译为:希腊神话中最著名的生物。 飞马又名叫珀伽索斯,希腊神话中最著名的奇幻生物之一,长有翅膀并可以飞的马。从女妖美杜莎的血泊中诞生,其蹄在赫利孔山(Helicon)上踏出希波克里尼灵感泉(Hippocrene),诗神(Muse)的座骑。 飞马(英文Pegasus),又译作 珀伽索斯、佩加速斯...
A comprehensive guide to the fantastic creatures of ancient Greek and Roman legend including the Phoenix, Griffin, Catoplebas, Unicorn, Yale, Manticore, Leucrocota, and many more.
Traditional Chinese mythology includes several supernatural creatures, but four stand out as the most powerful. They are called the Four Supernatural Spirits and are all characterized by bringing luck and prosperity to those who see them. The most powerful is the dragon, a wise and benevolent creat...
Slavic Mythology Creatures 1. Polewnik Polewnik was a character from Polish mythology, represented through an unbelievably short man whose face was full of festy pimples that gave him a grainy look while his ears were made of grain [1]. ...
aChinese dragon is a mythical creature in Chinese mythology and folklore, with mythic counterparts among Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bhutanese, Western and Turkic dragons. In Chinese art, dragons are typically portrayed as long, scaled, serpentine creatures with four legs. In yin and yang termi...
(2)These divine powers, or gods, cast off their connection with the natural object out of which they grew, so that the connection in the end was no longer obvious to the heathen mind. In this way they entered into various relations to a nation, a tribe, or a class of men; they acq...
It contains many therianthropic creatures, who are both animal and human, and demonstrates the playfulness of the gods.Chinese Myths "Monomyth" Joseph Campbell, the author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, has commented extensively on the similarities between many cross-cultural myths. Moving ...
Creatures of MythologyKimberle
Greek Creatures Legendary beasts, animals, and humanoids of ancient Greek mythology View Featured Medusa Creature Hydra Greek Creature Cerberus Greek Creature Collection Greek Titans The generation of Greek gods who directly preceded the Olympians