Mystery Science Theater 3000: Created by Joel Hodgson. With Kevin Murphy, Trace Beaulieu, Jim Mallon, Michael J. Nelson. In the not-too-distant future Joel Robinson is held captive by Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank, forced to watch B-Grade movies on the Sa
Robot: Science and Industry! Tom Servo: See big men sticking screw drivers into things - turning them - AND ADJUSTING THEM! Crow T. Robot: Build your very own Atom Storage Box! Mike: Bringing you state-of-the-art in soft-serve technology! Crow T. Robot: Removes lids off bottles and ...
By many accounts, making the movie was not a happy experience for the filmmakers, due to frequent studio interference. At a cast reunion appearance in New York City,was asked what the worst movie featured onwas. He replied, "Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie." In his book 'Mike Nel...
(joel hodgson—the human—regularly reads mail from youngsters who send him drawings of the robots), mystery science theater 3000 contains some of the hippest, deepest satire of the generation. mike nelson: we rode a lot on the fact that critics really liked it. it was kind of like the ...
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Created by Joel Hodgson. With Joel Hodgson, Felicia Day, Patton Oswalt, Rebecca Hanson. Kinga Forrester continues the B-movie watching experiments of her father and grandmother on a new test subject aboard the Satellite Of L
《神秘科学剧院时刻 Mystery Science Theater 3000》于1988-11-24上映。是由Joel Hodgson执导, 演员Kevin Murphy, Jim Mallo, Trace Beaulieu等主演的《神秘科学剧院时刻 Mystery Science Theater 3000》是一部喜剧, 科幻类型电影。 When zany mad scientist Dr. Clayton Forrester (Trace Beaulieu) and his loopy ass...
Mystery Science Theater 3000 isn't just one of the most sly and creative comedy series ever made, it also helped to bring numerous forgotten B-movies back into the spotlight -- giving some films a brand new lease on life. Whether its creator Joel Hodgson, Mike Nelson, or newbie Jonah Ray...
On Friday, February 10, at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, grab a seat in the Kingadome for a Riff-Along Tribute to I Accuse My Parents. PLUS, we’ll be premiering our final new short riff of season 13: “Doing Things For Ourselves in School.” This premiere is extra special, because this is ...
On Friday, February 10, at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, grab a seat in the Kingadome for a Riff-Along Tribute to I Accuse My Parents. PLUS, we’ll be premiering our final new short riff of season 13: “Doing Things For Ourselves in School.” This premiere is extra special, because this is ...
Mystery Science Theater 3000is a show that will not die. It has moved through so many incarnations, starting on a local TV station, moving to basic cable, on two different networks (three if you count The Comedy Channel, which turned into Comedy Central.) Wh...