I can honestly say the Mystery Ranch District Pro is the perfect everyday carry bag for me. Not only is the District Pro the perfect size for all my needs but the Mystery Ranch quality is always superior and second to none. Thank you, Mystery Ranch, for the continued focus on quality....
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Mystery in Coachella Valley: With Paula Zahn, Bill Brant, Cathy Brant, Wendi Brant. Indio, California, Desert Star Ranch: Horse ranch owner Wendi Brant, age 45, was murdered on August 10, 1998 in a brutal assault in which she struggled with her killer. H
JV: Another of Bill Prozini’s selections I had originally wanted to include in the first volume. Part of my growing up was in California in the early- to mid-60s and Gault really captures the essence of what L.A. was like back then. He includes details like the names of real clubs...
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