We present for the first time a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics scheme which combines quantum Monte Carlo with the reaction field of classical polarizable dipoles (QMC/MMpol). In our approach, the optimal dipoles are self-consistently generated at the variational Monte Carlo level and then use...
For each optimized QM cluster, QM water molecules were replaced one at a time with MM-pol-vib water molecules and reoptimized the cluster structure. The hybrid structures and energies were found to reproduce well their full QM counterparts. This finding indicates that the first hydration shell ...
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New Design 750X1500mm Full Polihsed Glazed Porcelain Tile We are professional tile Manufacturer, majoring in producing porcelain tiles wit high quality 1. Detailed product description Tile type: Polished marble glazed porcelain tile Material: Porcelain Quality G...
在本研究中,毕文健博士等人提出的算法为大型生物样本库的多分类表型分析提供了更快速、更准确的分析工具,填补了该领域的重要空白。POLMM的R包可以从网站https://github.com/WenjianBI/POLMM 下载。UK-Biobank数据分析结果可从网站https://polmm.leelabsg.org/下载。毕文健博士毕业于中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院...
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