The land is flowing withmilk and honey. 地上满是牛奶和蜂蜜. 互联网 Still drank after a night: The banana andmilk and honeycan solve the wine immediately. 宿醉: 香蕉奶色加蜜糖可以实时解酒. 互联网 Do soya - beanmilk and honeydeserve together to drink can you create food and drink toxic?
milk and honey 1. 多种多样的享受;富饶 There is no longer the land of milk and honey. 不再有富饶的乐土。 特色专题 更多> 国学经典 国学典籍大全 国学答题 国学知识竞答 诸子百家 中国智慧源头 四大名著 中国文学巅峰 精品测试 汉程倾情打造
land of milk and honey n. 肥沃而丰裕的土地, 主的恩赐 a land flowing with milk and honey 鱼米之乡 in milk adv.在授乳期中 in the milk (谷粒等)正在灌浆 honey bag 蜜囊 honey press 压蜜机 honey tube 蜜管 manukau honey n. 麦卢卡蜂蜜 在新西兰的山坡、沿海地区、森林边缘,生有一...
milk and honey “milk and honey”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 1. 多种多样的享受;富饶 There is no longer the land of milk and honey. 不再有富饶的乐土。 相关词语 milkandhoney
milk and honey 美 英 na.乳和蜜(般的享受);丰饶 英汉 na. 1. 乳和蜜(般的享受);丰饶,繁荣
milk and honey如何读 英:[milk ænd ˈhʌni] 美:[mɪlk ənd ˈhʌni] milk and honey是什么意思 丰饶 繁荣 生活富裕 幸福 milk and honey 例句 1.The soldiers believed that they would return after the war to a land of milk and honey. ...
If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing withmilk and honey, and will give it to us.───耶和华若喜悦我们,就必将我们领进那地,把地赐给我们,那地原是流奶与蜜之地。 There is no longer the land ofmilk and honey.───不再有富饶的乐土. ...