德汉-汉德词典 Majdanek 发音生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 德汉-汉德词典 AI解释 德语维基词典 全文检索 德汉-汉德词典 马伊达内克。 波兰卢布林城东南4公里。第二次世界大战时,法西斯德国 立大规 集中营, 禁过26个国家的50万公民,死难者达36万(另有估计数为150万)之多。有瞭望塔、铁丝网、毒气室和...
Majdanek, Nazi German concentration camp and extermination camp on the southeastern outskirts of the city of Lublin, Poland. In October 1941 it received its first prisoners, mainly Soviet prisoners of war, virtually all of whom died of hunger and exposure. Within a year, however, it was conver...
MajdanekUnlike all the other camps, Majdanek is located in the heart of a major city, Lublin. Lublin was, for many centuries, a hub of Jewish learning and boasted one of the largest Yeshivas in the world. It was often dubbed the “Jewish Oxford.”The camp opened in 1941 and was liber...
照片 关于 Majdanek集中营在2013年7月13日的鲁布林的郊区在波兰。在34个月它的存在期间,超过79,000个人在Majdanek丧生。. 图片 包括有 绝种, 纳粹主义, 投反对票 - 32800602
照片 关于 Majdanek鲁布林,波兰 Majdanek集中营 犹太人和其他少数被供气对在他们数万的死亡的第二次世界大战纳粹德国集中营. 图片 包括有 希特勒, 牵强, 破坏 - 115212609
Majdanek, Nazi German concentration camp and extermination camp on the southeastern outskirts of the city of Lublin, Poland. In October 1941 it received its first prisoners, mainly Soviet prisoners of war, virtually all of whom died of hunger and exposure. Within a year, however, it was conver...
照片 关于 Majdanek鲁布林,波兰 在前景,纪念在Majdanek集中营,与与烟囱的火葬场大厦在背景中 犹太人和其他少数被供气对在他们数万的死亡的第二次世界大战纳粹德国集中营. 图片 包括有 中心, 希特勒, 希姆莱 - 115212583
照片 关于 Majdanek集中营,木staroselye耸立和营房,黑白照片. 图片 包括有 纳粹主义, 灭绝, 严重 - 111733301