listservices网络列出所有登记的服务;列表服务 网络释义 1. 列出所有登记的服务 ACE主要应用框... ... -parameters: 可选参数字串。 -help:list services 列出所有登记的服务-Service_Object: 表示这是 …|基于2个网页 2. 列表服务 1兆位基带5_馆档网 ... "List separator" 列表分隔符" ...
services array 服务列表。 serviceArray object 服务信息。 createdTime string 服务的创建时间。 2020-04-03T05:57:28Z description string 服务的描述。 test_description internetAccess boolean 是否允许函数访问公网: true:允许函数访问公网。 false:不允许函数访问公网。 true lastModifiedTime string 服务上一次被更...
GET{subscriptionId}/services/sqlservers/servers HTTP/1.1 URI Parameters None. Request Headers The following table describes the required and optional request headers: 展开表 Request HeaderDescription x-ms-version Required. Specifies the version of the operatio...
1 All services published 1 All versioned services for a specific named service 1 A specific version for a named service Users can use this information along with thediscover_serviceoperation to interact with and consume the web service.
The maximum number of services to list. Type: Integer Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 100. Required: No nextToken A token that indicates the location of the next service in the array of services, after the list of services that was previously requested. Type: String Pat...
{subscriptionId}"+"/services"+"/sqlservers/servers");// Create the request and specify attributes.HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUri);// Add a x-ms-version header to specify API version.request.Headers.Add("x-ms-version","2012-03-01");// Generate ...
2. 服务项目 关于我们 - 深圳活动策划 ... 联系我们 Contact US服务项目Service List关于我们 ABOUT US ...|基于39个网页 3. 系统服务清单比对机制 ... ✔ 随时寄送萤幕与记录( Screen-EMail) ✔系统服务清单比对机制(Service List) ✔ 系统目录清单比对机制( Directory List) ... ...
eas:ListServices get Service acs:eas:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:service/* 无 无 请求语法 GET /api/v2/services HTTP/1.1 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 Sort string 否 排序字段。按时间戳类型默认倒序排序。 CreateTime Order string 否 排序方式,取值如下: desc(默认值):降序。 asc:升序。 asc Filt...