leagueofgraphs.com/ko/summoner/kr/%EC%97%AC%EC%9E%90% +1 分享24赞 抗压背锅吧 叶捷卡娜宁 外网统计:投降率最高的服务器为韩国 铂金和钻石分段投降率最低据League Of Graphs全球数据统计,铂金与钻石分段是投降率最低的段位,其中投降率最高的段位是王者分段。 投降率最高的服务器是韩国,土耳其投降率...
数据网站leagueofgraphs统计了英雄联盟各段位玩家,在单双排、灵活组排中的挂机率。 #英雄联盟#
LeagueOfGraphs.com is available in Chinese. Clickhereto use this language. Popular champions 1. Caitlyn 26.7% 2. Jhin 21.4% 3. Ashe 17.9% 4. Ambessa 16.4% 5. Graves 16.3% See more Best champions 1. Nilah 52.8% 2. Naafiri 52.5% ...
We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells.
艾希 23.9% 2. 賽勒斯 22.4% 3. 凱特琳 21.3% 4. 凱莎 19.2% 5. 燼 18.6% 最佳英雄 1. 魔鬥凱薩 53.0% 2. 艾妮維亞 52.9% 3. 淣菈 52.7% 4. 卡莎碧雅 52.7% 5. 貪啃奇 52.6% 禁用英雄 1. 犽凝 23.7% 2. 勒布朗 22.4% 3. 歐羅拉 ...
We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells.
诺手韩服排名榜单:https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/zh/ra 老实人哈哈哈1234 2024-04-26 15:37 诺手韩服排名榜单:网页链接c哥在第80点赞2评论4评论4 美团步兵巨煲虾 全是大师?说明这英雄确实上不了分 第1 楼04-26回复1点赞1 sofascore:有王者和宗师。 sofascore 这个怎么评价的,王者的才排27。 第2 楼...
He is neither in need of a nerf nor a buff at all. ESPECIALLY in low elo. Now, let us back this up a bit, shall we? According to league of graphs Darius is currently globally (in all ranks combined) sitting at a 49.9% WR. You can barely even get closer to 50%. Sure his ...
近段时间在国外根据网站“LEAGUE OF GRAPHS”统计,今年峡谷中挂机率最高的五位英雄分别是:布隆,亚索,剑圣,狗头,劫。在单双排挂机率统计中,青铜段位是最高的,依次是白银黄金波金钻石。不过呢这次的统计并不包含咱们中国样本,毕竟在咱们中国基数大的情况下,很难有一个比较完善的统计。 分享714 美服lol吧 融化的...
Estadisticas LoL: Leagueofgraphs最新版截图 # Estadisticas LoL: Leagueofgraphs最新版 Compárate con otros jugadores de distintos niveles. Las nuevas estadísticas de partidas jugadas en la Grieta del Invocador ya están disponibles en la sección de perfil. Descubre en qué destacas más que ...