Pleiades-1A Pleiades-1B SuperView-1 KOMPSAT-3 QuickBird Satellogic IKONOS SkySat TripleSat TerraSAR-X SPOT-6 SPOT-7 TH-01 RapidEye LANDSAT-9 LANDSAT 7 ETM+ LANDSAT 8 High Resolution Medium Resolution 3D Terrain Flythroughs 3D Terrain Modelling GIS Maps Historical Sites -Events More ImageryAppli...
This chapter provides an overview of the Landsat collections and relevant quality information necessary for using the imagery. 本节概述了Landsat8系列和使用图像所需的相关质量信息。 Landsat platform.…
This letter proposes a method to directly perform cloud detection in Landsat-8 imagery in GEE based on deep learning (DeepGEE-CD). A deep neural network (DNN) was first trained locally, and then the trained DNN was deployed in the JavaScript client of GEE. An experiment was undertaken to ...
训练样本管理器 从Imagery 选项卡上的“Classification Tools”下拉菜单中,选择“Training Samples Manager”。从“New Schema”选项卡中,选择“Edit Properties”。将“Name”设置为所需的模式输出名称,然后单击“Save”。 可以将新类添加到模式中,并且可以通过以下方式选择训练数据;选择“Add NewClass”, 将“class”...
在轨运行的卫星一共有两颗,Landsat 7于1999年4月份发射,其提供的遥感影像于1999-2003年是完整的。从2003年开始,Landsat 7提供的影像是具有大量的数据缺失的(imagery with bad strips)。Landsat 8于2013年2月份发射。 Landsat 9计划在2021年9月份发射。
关键词:Landsat-8;遥感图像处理;大气校正;光谱响应函数;FLAASHdoi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3177.2015.02.021中图分类号:TP751 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-3177(2015)138-0116-04AtmosphericCorrectionofLandsat-8ImageryBasedonSpectralResponseFunctionPULi-li1,LIUBin2(1.CollegeofResourcesandEnvironmentalSciences,Xinjiang...
Landsat 8 bands reflect environmental changes and help identify differences in the surface of the Earth. This data can be used in various fields.
Comparison of Sentinel-2 imagery with Landsat8 imagery for surface water extraction using four common water indexes WANG Dazhao,WANG Simeng,HUANG Chang, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface System and Environmental Carrying Capacity, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China...
Land classification of Landsat imagery 程序简介该程序主要通过一年土地分类的固定样点,选择 1984 年至今任意年份的影像(landsat 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 SR),按照随机森林算法进行不同年份的土地分类。 1.使用地图工具栏左上角的绘图工具(可选择矩形和多边形)选择指定的研究区域。
The Landsat 8 imagery, available in ArcGIS Online, provides several image services from the same source. Most popular is the Landsat 8 Views services, which allow users to view a range of different band combinations including Natural Color (bands 4, 3, 2) and Color Infrared (bands 5, 4, ...