Define kyphosis. kyphosis synonyms, kyphosis pronunciation, kyphosis translation, English dictionary definition of kyphosis. n. Abnormal rearward curvature of the spine, resulting in protuberance of the upper back; hunchback. ky·phot′ic adj. American H
Myth: Bed Rest Is Always Best Is bed rest always best for back pain? Bed rest can help an acute back strain or injury. But it is not true that you should stay in bed. Sometimes remaining immobile in bed can actually make back pain worse. Strict bed rest was once common medical advice...
Kypho [Gr. bent, hump, hunchback]. Medical term & means: kyphoscoliosis, kyphoplasty, kyphosis definition. Types curvature of the spine.
The meaning of KYPHOSIS is exaggerated outward curvature of the thoracic region of the spine resulting in a rounded upper back.
Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromkyphosis-lordosis posture) Thesaurus Medical pos·ture (pŏs′chər) n. 1. a.A position of a person's body or body parts:a sitting posture; the posture of a supplicant. b.A characteristic way of bearing one's body; carriage:stooped posture. ...
Kyphosis is a general term referring to a part of the spine that curves out away from the back of your body. Your neck and lower back curve in, this is called lordosis. Your pelvis and thoracic spine or mid back curve out, and this is a kyphotic curve. When the elderly, particularly...
Kyphosis is, by definition, both an anatomical description and a condition. As a feature of the spine, kyphosis is the angle of the thoracic curve. When the angle of the thoracic curve exceeds the normal upper limit of 40-42°, this condition is called hyperkyphosis. Hyperkyphosis, or an...
Define Kyphosis (deformity). Kyphosis (deformity) synonyms, Kyphosis (deformity) pronunciation, Kyphosis (deformity) translation, English dictionary definition of Kyphosis (deformity). n. Abnormal rearward curvature of the spine, resulting in protuberanc
Define scoliokyphosis. scoliokyphosis synonyms, scoliokyphosis pronunciation, scoliokyphosis translation, English dictionary definition of scoliokyphosis. kyphoscoliosis. Translations. English: kyphoscoliosis n cifoescoliosis f. Spanish / Español: n c
It was further stated that ANN is broadly used in medical diagnosis and healthcare systems as result to the predictive power it possesses as a model as confirmed by Animesh et al. [12]. The work of Mrudula et al. [15] compared SVM and ANN to predict heart disease, they stated that, ...