Khaby Lame 是互联网上快速增长的内容创作者之一。他在TikTok、Instagram等不同的社交媒体平台上分享他惊人而有趣的内容。他出色的喜剧短剧内容使他成为互联网上的热门表情包之一。来自世界各地的 Meme 页面使用他标志性的面孔制作不同主题的 Meme。 此外,他开始在 TikTok 上分享他的视频。此外,他于 2020 年 3 月...
Khaby Lame was born on March 9th, 2000 in Senegal. After spending his early years in Senegal, he and his family moved to Chivasso, Italy, where he has lived and studied since. He enjoys traveling and having fun with friends, but due to the pandemic, he had to stay isolated like the ...