How to set Keyframe interval below 1 second? Hi there, for improving streaming latency, we need to set the Keyframes below 1 second, which is possible for all encoders, but OBS uses integer for the configuration. using StreamFX we can setup 0,4sec, which works fine and the results are...
keyframekeyframeinterval Replies: 2 Forum:Windows Support D Is it possible to trigger a keyframe? I like the settings the autoconfigure came up -- the recordings are quite small and easy to work with... except the keyframes are so rare (like 8-10 seconds) that the quick editing in AVID...
I'm trying to perfect my obs settings as best as a can and so far it's been going well. I understand most terminology but two settings that I don't really understand very well are "keyframe interval" and "max b frames." It seems like most people recommend leaving both settings...