在日本境外居住10年以上的日本護照持有者可合法使用 JR Pass,惟需持(1)有效日本護照(2)由日本大使館或境外居住國公使館核發之海外戶籍登記/海外居住證明影本 年齡以預訂確認日期為準 注意事項 工作人員可提供無障礙協助服務 地點 評價 4.8/5 539則評價 ...
Grab your JR Sanyo Sanin Northern Kyushu Pass valid for 7 days, giving you access to the areas around Northern Kyushu, Tottori, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and more! Book now at Klook and enjoy home delivery or pick up.
Kansai Hiroshima Area Pass Sanyo Sanin Area Pass Kansai Hokuriku Area Pass Hokuriku Arch Pass TakayamaHokuriku Area Touirst Pass Northern Kyushu SanyoSaninArea Pass I will show you JR train network in downtown Osaka in this post. JR lines in downtown Osaka Please see the map ...
JR Pass 岡山& 廣島 & 山口地區鐵路周遊券 透過KLOOK線上預訂JR岡山&廣島&山口地區鐵路周遊券,5日內可任意乘坐火車穿梭岡山、廣島、山口周邊的魅力景點,比現場購票更便宜,日本旅行不可錯過! 熱賣中 立即確認 現在預訂,當日使用 4.9(591)8K+ 人參加過
Waht is JR Sanyo-San in-Northern Kyushu Area Pass ntroducing the JR Sanyo-San in Northern Kyushu Area Pass, your key to unlocking the wonders of both the Sanyo-Sanin and Northern Kyushu regions in Japan. With this pass, you'll have the freedom to explore the rich cultural heritage, brea...
預訂JR Pass:建議提前預訂JR Pass,並在日曆選擇預計的出行日期,此日期非激活通票的日期,而是計劃的出行日期 實體JR Pass兌換:通過Klook預訂JR Pass後,每位旅客將收到一份紙質兌換券請注意,自購買之日起 90 天內,可在日本的官方兌換處憑兌換券兌換為實體JR Pass ...
大阪JR Pass JR 關西迷你通票3日券 使用Klook 預訂最超值優惠的JR關西迷你通票,不錯過精彩景點,三日內無限次數搭乘各式列車,讓你輕鬆抵達目的地。千萬別錯過! 熱賣中 即時確認 現在預訂,即日使用 4.7(1,117)50K+ 人參加過 HK$ 152 大阪JR Pass JR關西地區鐵路周遊券 ...
Grab your JR Sanyo Sanin Northern Kyushu Pass valid for 7 days, giving you access to the areas around Northern Kyushu, Tottori, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and more! Book now at Klook and enjoy home delivery or pick up.