Alexander CampbellAustin TaylorCampbell's 1851 Christian HymnalCatholicismCharles H. GabrielChoice Gospel HymnsChristian Hymns (1889)Crossing the BarDeathFirm Foundation PublishingGermanGospel AdvocateGreat Songs of the Church IIHymnal Preface/IntroductionHymnalsHymnsMale Quartet SongsNearer My God to TheeNote...
** Install Favorite Hymns/Hymnals Premium if you wish to have copyrighted hymns included. ** This app contains 10 hymnals containing lyrics to 1400+ hymns and Christian songs (along with some audio), without the copyrighted hymns. The audio does not include the lyrics. INCLUDED HYMNALS: - ...
This hymnal depicts songs which represent yesterday, today and forever more. Singing was a part of the early church, and it is reflected in the Old Testament, as well. Every era has its song that attests to conditions at that time. Singing is inherent in worshiping and praising God.Lille...
This app contains 10 hymnals containing lyrics to 1400+ hymns and Christian songs (along with some audio), without the copyrighted hymns. The audio does not include the lyrics. INCLUDED HYMNALS: - Favorite Hymns (Favorites from the hymnals below along with others, including Christmas carols. ...
St. Joseph Sunday Missal and HymnalSt Joseph Sunday Missal Sunday Missal 2015-2016I C E L