EDUCAUSE、旧金山州立大学、杜佩奇学院等相继在国际高教社群中提出混合学习(Hybrid Learning)、混合弹性课程(HyFlex Course)相关概念。简单来说,混合弹性课程是一种结合面授(face-to-face,F2F)和线上学习(online learning)的教学模式(如图1),课程内容与活动都能让学生以到场参与(in person)、线上同步(synchronously onl...
此外,在线聊天室和视频链接让学生可以在任何地方与他们的老师和同学直接进行联系,只有做到这些,HyFlex 模式才算真正实现。 目前,大多数使用 HyFlex 学习模式的机构并非完整,许多机构已经拥有课堂和会议软件和流程,帮助整合了线下和在线学习交付的服务,但它们限制了学生的平等访问和参与。那些希望采用 HyFlex 方法的机构需要...
针对高等教育的发展现状,马德里欧洲大学探索出极具创新性的混合弹性体验学习模式(HYFLEX EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING),充分回应高等教育未来的发展趋势。这种创新性的学习模式结合灵活性和个性化,引领学生踏上一场体验式的学习之旅。在这场旅程中,人类文明几千年以来积累的知识与最先进最前沿的技术结合,带来了个体潜力的充分释放...
We're building learning experiences to help higher education students and faculty thrive in hybrid and blended learning. Come together for deeper learning We're building learning experiences to help everyone thrive in hybrid and blended learning. Today, there is a greater need to deploy solutions...
Teams HyFlex Learning: 1-Day Workshop One Diversified 设备部署和管理 Microsoft Teams 会议室 Microsoft Teams 会议 定价US$1,450 联系信息 概述其他信息 We're building learning experiences to help higher education...
“HyFlex really opens up options for greater opportunity for learning and connection. We all know everyone learns differently; some need more personal attention, some like to work independently. By giving the option of being with the teacher, at home, or even having a teacher be able...
Learning spaceIn 2020, King's College London introduced HyFlex teaching as a means to supplement online and face-to-face teaching and to respond to Covid-19 restrictions. This enabled teaching to a mixed cohort of students (both online and on campus). This article provides an outline of how...
5. Active Learning Days Our usual (pre-Covid) models tend to assume that lectures can be large—limited only by the size of the hall, and so now more limited—but that sections should be small, below 20 when possible. But once we relinquish the lecture as the central pedagogy, then we...
Incorporating HyFlex Instructional Event for Online Classes to Enhance Computational Thinking Distance LearningBrown, VictoriaKumar, David
--- Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching from School of Advanced Technology 先进技术学院教学副院长 Liqun Pan --- Language Lecturer from School of Languages (smaller groups) 语言学院语言讲师(小组) Charlie Reis --- Director of Educational Development Unit 教育发展部主任 Host: 主持人 Yan Wei ...