How many A Wrinkle in Time books are there? How many pages are in A Wrinkle in Time? How long is Finnegans Wake? How long is The Last Unicorn book? How long is the Bhagavad Gita? How many chapters are in The Sword of Shannara?
Once your payment has been confirmed, you will be prompted to submit a copy of your book. The Copyright Office requests authors to send in the “best edition” available of your book. Depending onhow many editions you have, this will mean: ...
But many, if not most, stories are using the unfolding events narrative premise. This means that the narrator is a viewpoint character who is unaware they have an audience, and events are narrated in a way that reflects that character’s experience. If you are writing in third-person limite...
In this Sword of Shannara excerpt, there’s a monster flying overhead, but the description of it is vague. Most of the passage is spent using evocative language to communicate how Flick feels about the monster. While the monster would naturally be intimidating, this reaction is way over the ...
If you do restart a campaign I highly recommend that you read the Shannara books by Terry Brooks for short lived elves or Tad William's Memory, Sorrow, Thorn trilogy for long lived elves (Sithi). Both sets of books will give you a massive amount of information on the histories of elves...