The hyperfine interactions in HgH are unusually large with Aiso(199Hg) = 6859(3), Adip(199Hg) = 446(3), Aiso(H) = 730(2) and Adip(H) = 0(2) MHz. A standard analysis of the hyperfine interactions demonstrates the need for a more in-depth theoretical treatment of HgH that should ...
jane ASMR 吃播炸鸡 L好多kiki酱的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 9 32 ñ144 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...美食视频自媒体 美食视频博主 Ü 简介: ♡唯一小号➭秋赫kiki 更多a
佛陀的故事 佛陀成道后第十年,也即佛陀四十五岁那年,佛陀在优陀南国首都一带行化。在这里,佛陀遭到一伙流氓的恶骂,这是任何一个圣人都没有遭受过的辱骂。 佛陀,这位伟大的圣者,对于那些对自己恶毒的辱骂者,不但毫无恨意,反而把他们当成自己的好兄弟,施予无限的慈爱之心,将其感化,使他们认识到自己的错误,从罪恶...
Hg pumped to the P state reacts with H , D and HD, giving new molecules: HgH , HgD and HHgD. The three fundamental vibrational modes were identified and a linear symmetrical geometry is confirmed.doi:10.1016/0009-2614(93)87001-JN. Legay-Sommaire...
The fine structure of the X 2Σ +, A 2Π, B 2Σ + and C 2Σ + states of HgH and of the X 2Σ + and A 2Π states of HgD has been investigated. For the X 2Σ + and A 2Π states of HgH and HgD the calculations are based on numerical matrix diagonalization combined with ...
Both of the intermediate states (A) over tilde and (B) over tilde give quite similar rotational distributions peaking around N similar or equal to 18 for HgH and N similar or equal to 25 for HgD insensitive to the excitation-wave-number shift Delta. However, a small difference is found: ...
【刚刚!最高检公布“环保成绩单”:诉前政府部门整改率达97%】最高检副检察长张雪樵在今天国新办新闻发布会上表示,2018年1月至12月,全国检察机关共批准逮捕涉嫌破坏环境保护罪9470件15095起,起诉26287件42195人。在公益诉讼案件领域,共立案办理自然资源和生态环境类案件59312件,办理诉前程序案件 .....
佛陀成道后第十年,也即佛陀四十五岁那年,佛陀在优陀南国首都一带行化。在这里,佛陀遭到一伙流氓的恶骂,这是任何一个圣人都没有遭受过的辱骂。 佛陀,这位伟大的圣者,对于那些对自己恶毒的辱骂者,不但毫无恨意,反而把他们当成自己的好兄弟,施予无限的慈爱之心,将其感化,使他们认识到自己的错误,从罪恶之中走了出...