synonyms (25) Words with the same meaning begrime bemire bemud besmoke besoil dirt dirty dirty up dust filth foul mire muck muck up mud muddy scum slime smirch smoke smooch smudge smut soot tarnish hypernyms (2) Words that are more generic or abstrac...
The meaning of GRIME is soot, smut, or dirt adhering to or embedded in a surface; broadly : accumulated dirtiness and disorder. How to use grime in a sentence.
grime的趨勢 廣告僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of grime 廣告 grime附近的字典條目 grill grille grim grimace grimalkin grime grimly grimness grimoire grimy grin 連結論壇完整來源列表連結產品iOS 應用程式Android 應用程式Chrome 擴充功能關於誰做的介紹和解釋在Face...
This is the place for Grime definition. You find here Grime meaning, synonyms of Grime and images for Grime
You may find grime under your fingernails for days after your auto mechanics class, black oily dirt that requires a lot of scrubbing to remove. It's less common, but you can also use this word as a verb, meaning to make something this dirty: "They're going to grime the kitchen floor...
grime meaning, definition, what is grime: a lot of dirt: Learn more.
to make grimy. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofbegrime1 First recorded in1545–55;be-+grime Word of the Day Quiz Q: What does APLOMB mean? a distinguishing mark or feature; stamp. imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance. ...
The meaning of GRIMELESS is free from grime : clean, immaculate.
Can the term dirty have a metaphorical meaning? Yes, the term dirty can also have metaphorical meanings, such as in describing unethical behavior (e.g., dirty tricks) or something morally questionable. 5 Is dirty ever used in a positive context? Yes, sometimes dirty can be used in a playf...
. Our best pals in FEEDING will be joining us for a lot of these gigs. The first four listed below are also all ages, with the Calgary one being an exclusive showcase for Alberta music. That particular show is going to take place on a rooftop, meaning we've likely peaked as a band...