商标名称 GMEETING 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 13553029 申请日期 2013-11-18 申请人名称(中文) 数字融合(北京)科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 北京市海淀区西北旺东路10号院东区2号楼3层302A5 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2015...
汇集了熔点网讯(北京)科技有限公司的熔点gmeeting视频会议MCUMCU 9000/6000/3000/1000系列介绍、参数、图片等产品信息,以及熔点gmeeting视频会议MCUMCU 9000/6000/3000/1000系列等经销商、联系电话、产品报价、维修等信息,及对熔点gmeeting视频会议MCUMCU 9000/6000/300
Why G-Meetings? Create An Instant Or Future Meeting You can create an instant meeting or a future meetings Record And Play Back You can record your meetings and play them back whenever you want Whiteboard Use the whiteboard for additional details or taking notes ...
gchildrenCARESFYmonthspermanencyJuneFFYfosterFamily 系统标签: sfyscheneunsubstantiatedmeetingresponseallotment 1STRENGTHENINGTIESOFAFFECTIONFORKIDS&THEIRPEEPS2CONCERTEDDILIGENTEFFORTSActingcollectively,continuously,creatively,andsteadfastlytoachievethegoalsofsafety,permanencyandwell-beingforfamiliesandchildreninGeorgia.3CONCERTE...
Instant Meetingg Have you been ever in a situation when you needed an advice or a consultation that you need immediately. Instant Meetingg Have you been ever in a situation when you needed an advice or a consultation that you need immediately. ...
| full, plenary | formal, informal | inaugural | mass | open-air | open, public | closed, private | secret | joint Management have called a joint meeting with staff and unions. | general The society is holding its Annual General Meeting in the conference room next Monday. | face-to-...
meeting名词 大会名() 不常见: 会议室名 · 会面名 · 会合名 · 集会名 · 会晤名 meet动词 满足动 会动() 符合动() 不常见: 迎动 · 应付动 · 遇动 · 迎接动 · 见动 · 遇到动 · 际动 · 相遇动 · 聚会动 · 见面动 ·
Helen will chair the meeting(= be in charge of it).海伦将主持这次会议。 I'll be in a meeting all morning─can you take my calls?我一上午都要开会 你能不能帮我接一下电话? a meeting of the United Nations Security Council联合国安理会会议 the people at a meeting(统称)与会者 The meeting...